Lady Hardinge Medical College
Alumni Association of North America Celebrating, Supporting, and Empowering Women Physicians |
My name is KumKum Sood Bhasin and I joined LHMC in 1970. After immigrating to USA in 1977, I completed my residency in Pediatrics from the University of Illinois Hospital in Chicago, followed by a fellowship in Neonatology at UCLA Hospital, CA. I decided to take an early retirement in December 2009, after a fulfilling career as the Director of the Newborn Nurseries at Kaiser Bellflower.
I relocated to Massachusetts after my retirement and now that my children are grown, I realize that it is time to give back and I share my attempts:
I envision LHMCAANA women working together to establish a cohesive Association that supports our members, mentors our juniors and gives back to our Alma Mater, our communities in North America and our country of birth, joyfully.