Lady Hardinge Medical College
Alumni Association of North America Celebrating, Supporting, and Empowering Women Physicians |
I have lived in the USA (Chicago area) since 1985. After completing my Residency in Internal Medicine (IM) and Fellowship in Endocrinology, I was fortunate to continue as faculty at the Edward Hines Jr. Veterans Administration Hospital and Loyola University Medical Center in Chicago. In September 2020, after being there for over 30 years helping our nation’s veterans, participating in the education of scores of medical students, IM Residents and Endocrine Fellows, and engaging in several research programs, I retired as Professor of Medicine.
My education at LHMC has ensured that I will never stop being a physician and never stop learning. As I embrace the 3rd stage of life, Vanaprastha, I plan to spend more time enjoying lifelong hobbies such as travelling with my family (husband Dr. Shri K. Agrawal, a retired Rheumatologist; 2 daughters who are starting careers as pediatricians; and our son-a Doctor of Psychology), gardening and music. My friend and I started an informal group of music, poetry, shaayari etc. for aged parents of our friends, so that they can make new friends.
I am extremely fortunate to find this group of fellow Hardonians from all over the world, started by Dr. KumKum Bhasin, who are as eager to share their love music as I am, even if it cannot be in a physical space. I hope we can continue to encourage all voices to share their melodies so that we can experience personal fulfilment, make new friends, improve our health, soothe our souls, and keep our brains as young as ever!